CCAPP Recovery Residence: 50 Years Strong!
CCAPP represents the social model approach to recovery and has actively supported residential recovery for over 50 years. CCAPP has a long history of excellence in providing training, technical assistance, and advocacy for programs throughout California. CCAPP is the only organization recognized by California’s Department of Health Care Services as providing certification for recovery residences.
If you are interested in establishing a recovery residence in California or obtaining a recovery residence certification for an existing home with CCAPP, you may find the links listed under “Templates” helpful.
If you are in recovery and would like more information about sober living, scroll down to find some helpful links and a directory of CCAPP’s certified recovery residence throughout California.
NARR Certified Recovery Residence Standards: CCAPP has aligned its standards with the National Alliance of Recovery Residences (NARR); future applicants should begin preparing to follow NAAR guidelines.

Display a badge to acknowledging your certification as a CCAPP Certified Recovery Residence. Badges can be placed on your website and social media.
<— View the video tutorial on badges.
Important Notice for Site Visits
- A cancellation fee of $100 will be charged if the inspection is not canceled a minimum of 24 hours prior to your scheduled inspection time.
- A reinspection fee of $100 will be charged if your Inspector is required to come back out to your home for reinspection.
CCAPP Certified Recovery Residence Resources
Step-by-Step Guide to Establishing a Recovery Residence Available for Purchase down below:
Recovery Residence Housing: An Operator’s Guide to Creating & Maintaining Quality Recovery Residence Housing
CCAPP Recovery Residence Inspection Checklist
Email Us for a Recovery Residence Application Today!
Articles that recovery residence owners and advocates may find useful
CCAPP Certified Recovery Residence: The Right Choice for Your Next Step in Recovery
CCAPP endorses the concept of sober living and the establishment of Recovery Residences. Current research shows that the longer a person is exposed to and part of a sober community, the better the chances are for long-term recovery.
Often fear sets in when you, a newly sober individual imagines living life on your own again. What will happen when you start making all of your own decisions when you no longer have other people there who are equally committed to getting well to communicate with at all hours of the day and night?
Rightfully so, these are often some of the most frightening thoughts people in the first few days or weeks of treatment have to deal with. Avoiding drugs and alcohol is much easier when you are in a safe, controlled environment that has your best interests at heart. You are not alone! Everyone who goes through recovery feels the same way; has the same worries. Together we can overcome sobriety’s challenges and attain victory!
How does recovery residence in California work? California recovery residences are very much like a “home away from home.” All of the residents are involved in recovery. As a group, residents work together, using the skills they have learned while in treatment to support each other in the early stages of sobriety. This creates accountability, friendships, and dedication to a life of recovery.
While you begin to face the outside world and stressors of life, sober living can help to hold you up, carry you when you are down, and light your path when it seems too dark to walk. The confidence you feel after you leave is like none other. Knowing that you’re not alone, that you have connections with people who understand and can help you during the rough patches life brings, is a proven way to support sobriety.
CCAPP has established a certification process for homes meeting CCAPP Recovery Residence Standards. The process includes annual visits by peers from other recovery residences who review the home to assure that standards are maintained. CCAPP also investigates complaints from consumers and encourages recovery residences to address any deficiencies